Sunday, May 20, 2012


Deconditioning - The loss of muscle tone and endurance due to chronic disease, immobility, or loss of function.

Went for a walk a few weeks ago! I can't believe it either. The doctor said I needed to start exercising, walking 20-30 minutes a day. Really? Never thought I'd hear those words. Four years ago, I pulled an oxygen tube around my face in order to walk just ten steps.

So I went for a walk around the park while L was at her Musical Munchkins class. Didn't know what I'd encounter...

I chuckled when the full term pregnant gal walked faster than I...

I had become use to running on the Santa Monica Beach sand almost ten years ago, when I worked there. It was beautiful. The conversations I had with God, were unstoppable, just like my endurance. Unstoppable.

The doctor mentioned this word, 'decondition'. He didn't want my muscles to become deconditioned to doing nothing. I was amazed that day after hearing from him that I have become able to walk again. Walk for the sole purpose of exercise. The Pulmonary Hypertension symptoms have pretty much gone away, thanks to some pretty awesome medications.

And thanks to my God, whom is always faithful.

I thought about that word on my drive home from the doctor's office that afternoon. Something told me that I not only needed to walk for physical endurance, but it was time to halt a common route to spiritual deconditioning. You see, living with a deadly disease, is like constantly being reminded of the things you can't do. After months, years of hearing that dreadful 'you can't', your spirit can become bitter. Ever heard the saying, "If you don't use it, you lose it"? Well, I also need to keep my spirit up to speed on the God exercises. Spiritual Endurance.

I've been walking about three times a week now. Happy to say I am getting faster and faster, I might be able to jog very soon. Wha?

And as I walk, I meditate on so many things. Prayer, scripture, and just simply taking in all the beauty around me. -Yes, even the rollie-pollie's on the side walk. 

I have to admit though, I had become so use to not being active, at all, that part of me was a little scared. I didn't want to get my hopes up. What if I can't walk? What if I start feeling that dreadful elephant-on-my-chest feeling? Noooo! I didn't want to set myself up for failure. So, at first, I procrastinated getting back into walking. Glad I didn't wait too long...

The kids decided to join me this day. 

They slowed me down. -Ahem.

Getting ready for my morning walk.
Achtung: No make-up!

As you can see, I am in desperate need of new workout clothes. Four years ago, I did away with all my shorts, tanks, and pants. :o) 

But the clothes is the least of my concerns... 

Race to cure PH!

Last week, I received the annual invitation to Taylor's Wish 5K Run/Walk. Taylor was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and died at 4 1/2 years old. Her parents, created the fundraiser in hopes of raising awareness of the disease so that other families won't suffer the loss of a loved one due to this horrible and mostly unheard of disease. She left a twin sister, Brooke. You can check out her story and donate at

I toyed with the idea of walking with God. It was only between me and God, and then I accidentally mentioned it to my Couple's Home Group, Moment Church Tribe. The girls, jumped on the idea and made the decision that they'd support me and walk with me in honor of Taylor. That was all the encouragement I needed, so we all registered online that night, kids and all. I can't wait! All glory to God!

We will be walking a 5K on June 2 in Orange County! Agh! I can't believe it!

So here I am, gearing up for a race! Who would've thought? Like I said, nothing is impossible for God. Nothing.

~Life As Lizzy


Colleen said...

I have been exercising at rehab and on my own for the last almost 4 years, and I can't believe how much muscle I have from it! haha! I try to keep up with it, even if I don't feel up to doing anything, since I know deconditioning is not good. I'm hoping to try to go for more walks, although they really can tire me out more than being on the treadmill (I still can't figure out why!). Good luck doing the walk on June 2nd!! I'm glad you're able to do it! :)

Jacque Watkins said...

Beautiful, my friend! Love you :)

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